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Maybe I’m A “Bad” Sex Coach

by Emily Hazel

Maybe I’m a “bad” sex coach for saying this, but…

I’d choose hot intimacy with a partner over doing it alone any day 🤤💦

Because my deepest desire is union.

Through flesh of two…

Entangled bodies and multidimensional realms of shared pleasure is my idea of a great time.

So why do I Self Pleasure so much??

Not because I’m a lonely single gal playing pretend to manifest her next lover 🙈😅

But because I will only be taken as far as I go myself.

If I desire a lover to drink in my beauty…

If I want a lover to hold me in my mess…

If I crave a lover to meet my kinks and vulnerabilities…

I won’t really receive it from them if I can’t receive ALL OF MYSELF first 🔥

Because let’s be honest…

Sexxxx is MESSY.

The best kind of pleasure can be UGLY.

The most ecstatic states require you to LET THE F GOOOO.

… and all that is very, very vulnerable.

There are not many women willing to open that much…

Yet they want to be penetrated by their partner’s presence or swept off their feet by the masculine?!?

Dare to dance first.

Invite via your vulnerability.

Practice the art of sensual surrender in the safety of your own body.

To prepare to be annihilated into another universe of pleasure 😏

The women I work with are willing to take themselves to these places.

The ugly. The messy. The hurt.
The uncomfy. The weird. The “wtf?!”

They’re also Self Pleasuring to calibrate to HOLDING heightened states of pleasure…

Because we’re conditioned to so quickly release it and want the next thing…

Self Pleasure is a modality of sensing, becoming the alchemist of your emotions and accessing states of being not reachable through your conscious thinking mind

It’s cosmic. Quantum. Magic.

Self Pleasure sessions changed the way I earn, receive, create + love.

They’ve given permission slips to my clients to bring out their sexxxual archetypes they’ve been keeping hidden, cathartically releasing old trauma, experiencing new kinds of orgasms + so much more…

Pleasurable Alchemy is the name. Self Pleasure is the game 😉

Emily is a graduate of the Institute of New Paradigm Intimacy. Erotic embodiment coach. Sensual leadership + pleasure led productivity.

Connect with Emily here: https://www.instagram.com/spiritedseeker/ or spiritedseeker.com

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5 Self PleasureTips 

To live with an ignited heart we must ignite our Eros. Follow these simple steps to change the way you connect with your body.


Is the practice of descending awareness down into the body and relating with the sensations being experienced, without attaching stories or meaning. Through using the 4 tantric tools of sound,
breath, movement and touch, the sensations are given space to be expressed without judgment or censoring.


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