Meet Elizabeth...

Elizabeth Willis, PhD., is the Leading Facilitator of the Globally Accredited Self Pleasure Modality™, director of Institute New Paradigm Intimacy and Host of Miami’s Enlightenment in the Bedroom Series, the Tedx of Sexuality held in 9 locations worldwide. She is an educator of over 25 years, holding a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction, speaker to hundreds, author, facilitator and entrepreneur. Her work, rooted in the healing arts from a young age, is a priceless weave of her own journey in personal growth, sexuality and spiritual development, professional experience as an educator, facilitator and her own heartbreak in relationships as she journey's her soul's quest to deepen into the experience of a fierce love of life. 

She is a mother of two young girls and is a walking example of grounding self development into creating generational transformation. Elizabeth’s teachings deliver rare “gems” igniting transformation in her cutting edge pedagogical approach grounded in bringing EXPERIENCE to her students. It is through her own life experience and research that Elizabeth's revolutionary pedagogical approach brings people through the experience of the transformation they are here to lead others through in life.  This pedagogical approach makes Institute New Paradigm Intimacy's Sexuality Practitioner Program a level above other sexuality schools.

Elizabeth has a fire that burns through her body in her thirst for life, she will unlock pieces of you and give you permissions your soul has craved for through her intensity, erotic aliveness, instinct and sheer JOY of life.  

her professional training includes:

  • Ph.D in and Masters in Education
  • American Montessori Society, Early Childhood, Lower and Upper Elementary Credential
  • Self Pleasure Modality™ Practitioner Certification
  • Women’s Practitioner and Tantric Body De-Armoring Training with Andrew Barnes
  • International School of Temple Arts
  • Monadic and Dark Temple Arts
  • Somatic Experiencing 101
  • Attachment and Trauma Informed Professional
  • Trainings with Trauma Solutions
  • Reiki Levels 1 & 2
  • 200 Hours YTT Ashtanga Yoga
  • Embodied Speaking Institute Graduate

"The pedagogical approach of INPI, implements the Self Pleasure Modality™ as the method to access the potency of your essence that vibrates in your being. Using a three ring approach, methodology drives you into your sexuality. Through sexuality development instruction you begin to unlock the layers of your sexual patterns, trauma and conditioning that weigh down your true essence of sexuality, to connect to a deeper truth of your sex that is intertwined with spirituality. This layer of sexuality and spirituality unlocks your EXPERIENCE in transformation. It is your EXPERIENCE in transformation that touches into the soul level of your existence. Leading you deep into the core of your Eros and unlocking the sheer power which in which you are meant to bring to this life."

... & more!

New Paradigm
Pedagogical Wheel  


Victoria Redbard is a speaker, author, sensualist, and business badass. Her career has spanned from creating an international renowned sexuality school in 2019 and selling it in 2023, to partnering and scaling a multi-speaker sexuality event called Enlightenment in the Bedroom in 9 locations around the world, including Australia, USA, UK and Ireland. Nowadays you’ll find her playing harp, writing books, and expanding her exquisite product line Yoni Elixir as she continues to transform women’s sex, relationships and businesses.

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With this 30 minute meditation you will enjoy the opportunity to experience real sex magic with yourself or a partner.