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Temple Arts

What is a Temple?

by Victoria Redbard

A temple is not a destination, it’s an invitation to keep meeting the moment.

So, What is a Temple?

Temple, in a traditional sense of the word, is a building devoted to the worship of a god or gods. Yet the word Temple actually originates from the Latin word Templum which means an open space or sanctuary that aligns with the energies of the earth. So in the way I have come to explore it, I can move from referring to my body as a temple, or a set ritual/ceremonial space as a temple.

I find when I step into ‘temple space’ with my body or a room that I intend to do ritual in. There is a recognition of what happens here does not define who I am, and may go completely differently to whatever I would like to see in my own desires.

Temple space evokes truth, vulnerability and humility. It invites us into the depth of our humanity where we can not hide behind our identity. 

To facilitate a temple space my only role is to set a strong intention and listen deeply. In this deep listening, I can begin to hear the current of electricity and the pulse of life. If you’ve ever felt that shift of reality in the moment you surrender into a sexually arousing space with a partner. Then you will have some understanding that the current is always here if we can bring enough presence to hear it. 

As a participant entering a temple space I would describe it as similar to a plant medicine experience. Yet instead of handing your fate over to Mother Ayahuasca, you’re asking eros, the force of life and what brought you here to this planet, to be your medicine. 

Hsi Lai from the White Tigeress linage and author of Sexual Secrets of China’s Female Consorts was quoted to have said.

‘If you cannot face directly into your sexuality,

You will never discover your true spirituality.

Your Earthly Spirit leads to discovering your Heavenly Spirit.

Look at what created you to discover what will immortalise [heal] you.’

For further understanding of temple culture and the temple arts, check out my book, Where the Temple Arts Meet Business.

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5 Self PleasureTips 

To live with an ignited heart we must ignite our Eros. Follow these simple steps to change the way you connect with your body.


Is the practice of descending awareness down into the body and relating with the sensations being experienced, without attaching stories or meaning. Through using the 4 tantric tools of sound,
breath, movement and touch, the sensations are given space to be expressed without judgment or censoring.


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