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This is the cutting edge of sexual evolution.


Sex as an Evolutionary Path

by Victoria Redbard

Sexuality development differs largely from self-development. Self-development is an industry built on understanding who we are as an individual in the world.

Whereas sexuality development opens the range of who you are, to meet each moment without any identity. 

This, I believe, is what creates ultimate freedom.

Our sexuality lives beyond the ideas of who we think we are.

When we can meet our beloved without holding ourselves or them to an identity we’ve become comfortable knowing, we create a space for mystery and the unknown to thrust us into a state of awe and wonder.

It’s not uncommon for people to say that they don’t even remember their own name in the throes of a powerful orgasm. In France, an orgasm is known as ‘La petite mort’ which translate as – The little death. 

Sex as an Evolutionary Path

When we allow sex to become a pathway for evolution we must open up our minds to what sex actually is and recognise the conditioning that we have around it. 

  • Sex doesn’t always mean we love someone.
  • Sex doesn’t always mean we should have a relationship with this person.
  • Sex doesn’t always mean penetration.
  • Sex can be medicinal.
  • Sex can create transformation in many areas of life.
  • Sex can exist purely in the transpersonal and still be filled with love.

Why Walk the Path of Sexuality Development?

There are many reasons people choose to walk the path of sexuality development. I have found it often starts with a desire for more intimacy and connection with self or a partner. As we break down these barriers and discover the ease of our sexuality and the humanity that lies there with it, there is a recognition of magick and connection to source that becomes available. 

To access these spiritual/magical experiences there is a need to free up the mind from the constrictions of where and how sex must exist in our lives. 

Inviting us to be with some of the more challenging pain points we may have experienced in our lives with rejection, abandonment, or self-worth. I find the work of sexuality development is only for those who can recognise and have an awareness that these contractions in the body are sensations and do not define who we are. By meeting them head-on we’re invited to a place that exists beyond them freeing us of the shackles and conditioning we’ve had placed on our ideas of what sex is.

When there is a clear pathway of what you’re wanting to call in.

The quality of life, the feelings, the texture of your existence.

Sexuality Development opens you to the tapestry of magic and lets you weave your unique flavour into it.

If you have a curiosity of how to start your journey with Sexuality Development check out our quiz Transformation Through Touch and receive access to practices that are right for wherever you’re at on the journey.

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5 Self PleasureTips 

To live with an ignited heart we must ignite our Eros. Follow these simple steps to change the way you connect with your body.


Is the practice of descending awareness down into the body and relating with the sensations being experienced, without attaching stories or meaning. Through using the 4 tantric tools of sound,
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